Online chemistry tutoring programs for students who want to Ace IGCSE, IB DP and AP Chemistry

A-Level Chemistry Made Easy

A-level Chemistry Online Tutoring Program
By: Dr. Cristina Gherasim

Does your teen need an A on their A-Level Chemistry exam so they can get admitted into a top university to study medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, or veterinary?

But right now they struggle in their A-Level chemistry class? Are they stressed and overwhelmed by the huge amount of content and exercises?

Are they almost giving up on their dream to become a doctor or a vet because they are stuck at a Cs or Ds in chemistry?

Then this class is exactly what they need to LEVEL-UP and ACE A-Level Chemistry!

This class is the fast path to MASTERING A-level Chemistry exam that brings your teens clarity and confidence and helps them ACE the exam without reading lots of chemistry books and without painful memorizing.

Let's do it together with my stress-free 28+ years tested ACE Method that takes the guesswork out of your teens" learning and saves time in their busy schedule.

This HANDS-ON online class will get your teens the chance to:

  • Learn challenging chemistry concepts fast and effectively in my short LIVE  LESSONS containing clear and no-fluff explanations
  • Practice what they learn with carefully chosen exercises so that they master and apply the concepts
  • Get all questions answered so that they understand everything and learn further on a solid foundation
  • Test their knowledge with assignments, quizzes, and graded tests
  • Train on the exam techniques by solving together past exam papers so getting confident in their knowledge and look forward to a stress-free day of the exam 

Enroll your teen now so they can master challenging A-Level chemistry, boost their grades, and ACE their A-Level Chemistry exam with confidence!

Apply now!

Dr. Cristina Gherasim


My name is Dr. Cristina Gherasim, and I’m here to help you learn chemistry fast by unleashing your capacity for exploring and actually enjoying chemistry. My step-by-step method helps you unlock your potential to master chemistry like a boss and ace your exams.